Read how others have experienced the life changing power of tossing the toxins. Share your own Toss the Toxins story by emailing us at info@branchbasics.com
My daily headaches have already gone away and it’s only been a week!
Tossing the toxins gives me so much hope! I’m a pretty health conscious person and to think how I’m exposed to all these toxins - stuff I use on my body every. single. day. - makes me hopeful to help my body heal. My daily headaches have already gone away and it’s only been a week!
Tossing toxins and switching to BB healed chronic skin eruptions!
I have an autoimmune disease and am extremely sensitive to chemicals and fragrances. I was getting hives, blisters, and lesions on my skin every night due to the detergent I was using. They didn’t begin to heal until I detoxed my house and began using Branch Basics. It may sound dramatic, but you guys gave me my life back. Thank you!
My husband was able to get rid of his inhaler!
My husband has had asthma since he was a kid and since we have removed toxins and fragrances from our home he doesn’t use an inhaler anymore. These products work better than anything I was buying at the store and I will never go back to anything else!
Removing fragrances reversed my 6-year-old’s early puberty symptoms!
I have to share my story in hopes that it will encourage others to see what a big issue synthetic fragrances are and how their removal can make a huge impact. Last year, We discovered that My 6 year old daughter was developing course pubic hair. You can only imagine how devastated and confused my husband and I were. We have used Branch basics for years, have organic mattresses, air purifiers, eat clean and store food in glass. We took her to the doctor who said there’s nothing we can do about...
Our son is a different child since making simple changes
Making simple changes like removing cleaning products and other toxic products has made significant changes in our son. We realized he was quite sensitive so we went the extra mile. We took everything out of his room except his bed, a solid wood cabinet, and removed old things we were storing in his closet. He is a different child. Obedient, focused, and happy! Thank you Branch Basics
Ditching artificial fragrance has made all the difference (including PMS cramps gone!)
I have been using (your products) for years, but with your recent #tossthetoxins campaign, I switched some of the artificially fragranced items (such as beauty products, dishwasher detergent, and free and clear laundry soap). Oh my goodness! I’ve never noticed how bad these products were for me and my family until I cut them out completely. I get almost instant headaches now that I encounter fragrance at other people’s homes or in the store. We spent a week visiting out of state recently, and...
Tossing the toxins helped our son’s sleep, behavior and mental clarity
We have seen huge improvements in our health since tossing the toxins. For this challenge we took on cleaning our son’s room who has chemical sensitivity. Which caused him to have an outburst of frustration and falling apart. We followed the Branch Basics guide to deep cleaning. Wow, what a difference this has made. Our son slept soundly for the first time in a very long time. His outbursts were very minimal, and we have seen them continue to decrease...We can still see the difference and dai...
Thompson Family
I owe you some credit in getting pregnant!
Hi there! Just a note to say that I got pregnant on my first cycle of trying, and I swear I owe YOU all some credit! Over the last 8 months or so I have made HUGE changes to my home environment and all the hygiene items we use as a family, using your education as a guide. I feel so much more confident this pregnancy because I know I’m putting safe products on my body and surrounding myself with non-toxic choices Thank you for all the guidance you put out for your followers! #BranchBasicsForL...
My husband’s allergies are SO much better!
World Asthma Day seems like a good excuse to check back in with you ladies and sing some praises for BB. Last spring was our first in Texas and it was BRUTAL for my husband's asthma. SO much so that I forced him to go to some specialists over the summer because I was actually really scared some nights when he couldn't catch his breath. I got rid of every toxic cleaning & hygienic product I could in our house last fall and bought BB. Fast forward to a couple weeks ago...I commented on how much...
You’ve made tossing toxins so simple
I knew that I wanted to get rid of toxins but had no idea how. Branch Basics makes it so simple for us beginners. I’m now so much more aware of what toxins to watch out for and have made an effort to change out my skin care products as well.
My husband finally gets it!
We ran out of trash bags the other day so I sent my husband to target and he bought lavender scented trash bags 😱 we had a long talk and I explained to him why I buy unscented lol so a week later we threw some trash bags in the trunk and headed to the dump..a few minutes into the ride he starts staying he has a headache and cracks the window. (MEANWHILE the whole ride I’m thinking about how bad the lavender trash bags smell and how I could feel my eyes getting irritated) I literally shouted ...
I removed a box of scented candles and migraines left…and I got pregnant!
I have been eating relatively clean for a couple of years, which is why I was so frustrated that I was still having hormonal migraines. I had been thinking about the possibility of a second pregnancy for a couple of months, but was discouraged by how horrible I felt throughout my cycle. I was low energy, irritable, and had low grade migraines that would increase in intensity as I got closer to ovulation. In a moment of desperation, I followed the Toss the Toxins instructions and got rid of al...
Within one week of cleaning out my laundry room alone, my enlarged lymph node is GONE!
This is such a great course and so easy to follow! I have been working on our bathrooms and think I have my daughter on board as well. To note, I have had an enlarged lymph node on my neck since being diagnosed with CIRS. Although they say I am no longer a CIRS patient, this enlarged lymph node has remained. Within one week of cleaning out my laundry room alone, the enlarged lymph node is GONE! Like I said in my previous email, the products I have been using are better, yet I was still holdin...
This program has been simple and so eye-opening!
This is so wonderful! I cleaned out my laundry room this weekend and was shocked by how much I have been "holding on to". This process is very eye opening! I have been aware that my products and choices matter for some time, and for the most part, my current choices are better. However, they are not clean enough and I was storing a lot of toxins in my home! I threw away 1.5 trash bags in this room alone! I can have a hard time discarding items because of the money spent. Your videos address t...
Tossing the toxins has helped me heal imbalanced hormones, brain fog, memory loss, etc.
Branch Basics has helped me quickly get rid of highly toxic cleaning chemicals to aid in the healing of imbalanced hormones, brain fog, memory loss and other health impairments. Also your educational information has helped me transition my beauty products, household goods and food to more conscious decisions/choices for myself and my family to ensure health in the long term.
Tossing the Toxins just makes sense
Just getting started on “Tossing the Toxins.” Branch Basics is a great replacement for all the toxic products I’m tossing out. I must admit, It’s a challenge to toss products I’ve used for years. But once I realized these products contain harmful toxins, it all makes sense. Thank you Branch Basics.
Relief from chronic headaches + chronic nerve pain
I used to suffer from chronic headaches and migraines until I tossed the toxins. Within two months, I went from having daily headaches requiring NSAIDS to only 1-2 headaches per month and 1-2 migraines per year. This was life changing and I was thrilled to cut out over the counter medications to treat the pain. My partner is a quadriplegic and suffers from chronic nerve pain especially when trying to fall asleep. He experienced almost immediate relief in his nerve pain after we removed harmfu...
Your articles and resources have greatly improved my quality of life
I suffer from a rare digestive illness called abdominal migraine’s. There's not a ton of solid research or treatments and being someone who prefers to eat my food like medicine so that I don't end up eating my medicine like food, I got to say, well done. This website has given me so much insight and helped with navigating wholesome treatments for myself that can help improve the quality of my life even if they don't relate to my illness. It's a huge resource for my healing and wellness.
Tossing the toxins has changed our lives
Already have removed all harmful cleaning and beauty products, candles, etc and now working on food. Thanks so much! You all have changed my husband, mine and future children's lives. And our dogs!!
Indigestion, headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, and hormonal issues are all nearly gone!
At the beginning of 2021, I read Allison’s Journey to Fertility, and it gave me new hope that I could heal from my chronic illness that had been brought on by toxic mold 6 years ago. I had been interested in natural health already, and I thought I was using safe products and eating healthy foods, but I was trusting too much in the word ‘natural’ plastered on labels. Thanks to you all, I’ve learned how to truly remove all the toxins from my home, how to eat organic, whole, real foods without a...
Endometriosis symptoms gone!
I love your product so much, I was diagnosed with endometriosis a year ago...tossed all toxins, and have been symptom free!
Your company has changed my life and I am so grateful
Was thinking this morning about people that have changed my life and this company has truly changed my life so I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to the founders and everyone who works at Branch Basics! I have learned so much from your resources, swapped out all my products, transformed my diet and healed my gut. I am just so grateful for everything this company does and stands for.
It was an important day when I cleared all of the household cleaning chemicals out of my house.
The air improved 100%. It makes a huge difference for me to live in a safe space without harmful chemicals. I am able to breathe more easily and my body is more comfortable now that they are gone. I have been so grateful to experience theThe air improved 100%. It makes a huge difference for me to live in a safe space without harmful chemicals. I am able to breathe more easily and my body is more comfortable now that they are gone. I have been so grateful to experience theThe air improved 100%...
My home’s air transformed in ONE day
It was an important day when I cleared all of the bottles, boxes and cans of household cleaning chemicals totally out of my house. The air improved 100%. It makes a huge difference for me to live in a safe space without harmful chemicals.
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